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Dinner Cleanup

Three men, two times per week

1. Shift must be completed between 6:45 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

2. Put the leftovers in containers and place the containers in the leftover fridge. Label and date the containers with tape and makers. This must be done before 8 p.m. else an automatic J-board. If this does happen, throw away all leftover food. It cannot be saved due to health regulations.

3. Remove all leftovers that are 4 days old or older from Leftover Fridge, including late plates, and throw them away.

4. Take pots, pans and utensils into kitchen and place on prep counter next to GD sink

5. Put away cooling racks, any extra clean dishes, clean cups, clean silverware or napkins

6. Empty dining room trashcans and replace liners. Place the used trash bags into the big dumpster next to the building.

7. Clean the wall next to the trashcans if necessary with All-in-One

8. Take stray dishes into dish room

9. Wipe off all tables in the dining room with All-in-One

10. Clean chairs with All-in-One if needed and put them up on the tables

11. First sweep and then mop the dining room. Sweep kitchen, as well. Get under tables including the ice machine, kitchen island, stove  and snack shelves.

     a. Use Simple Green Lime Scale Remover AND Breakdown, pour equal parts (about 2 cups) into bucket, mix with cold water. Mop all floor surfaces.

     b. Rinse out mop and bucket in utility sink in laundry room.

     c. Wring out mop.

     d. When finished hang the mop on the clothesline in the Laundry Room.

12. Check for and clean any spills in refrigerators with All-in-One

13. Reorganize all fridges, including the kitchen fridges, if anything has been put away incorrectly such as cheese or deli meat being left out of a plastic bag and out of the Tupperware

If you are out of any supplies, let the Proctor or SHD know as soon as possible. Return all cleaning supplies to proper storage location.


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