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Judiciary Boards

Judiciary Boards are a disciplinary action specific to the scholarship halls.  They are usually issued when a resident has either failed to do his shift (not at all, not on time, or not in satisfactory manner), missed a mandatory hall meeting without prior authorization, or disobeyed a Student Housing employee (i.e. Proctor, Food Board Manager, or Student Housing Director).  Judiciary Boards may be issued by any resident; simply tell the Proctor or Food Board Manager the details of the complaint, and he will complete the form appropriately.

If you have received a Judiciary Board, a copy of the form will be sent to you via e-mail, detailing the complaint and the time and date of the next Judiciary Board hearing (the Judiciary Board hearing calendar can also be found on the Vice President's page).  Judiciary Board hearings are held in the Recreation room (usually once per week), and are attended by members of the Judiciary Board committee (elected at the beginning of each school year), the Student Housing Director, the person issuing the Judiciary Board, the person receiving the Judiciary Board, any witnesses that either person would like to have present, and the hall Vice President who presides over the hearing.  After the committee has heard both sides of the situation, they will vote on whether or not the resident is "responsible" or "not responsible" for the Judiciary Board (the Vice President votes in case of a tie).  If the resident is found responsible, further action maybe required by him (e.g. the completion of a punitive or "Judiciary Board shift" by a certain time).  If the resident is found not responsible, no further action is necessary.  The outcomes of all Judiciary Board hearings are confidential.

Being found responsible for three Jayboards in a single semester requires you to meet with the Proctor and Student Housing Director; five Judiciary Boards requires you to meet with the Student Housing Director and the Complex Director and can be grounds for dismissal from the scholarship hall community.

Further information on Judiciary Boards can be found on the Hall Constitution page under Article VIII: Judiciary Board.

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