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Recycling & ARC Cleaner

One man, recycling throughout the week, ARC three times per week. Set time with Proctor.



1. Be certain that there are recycling bins on all floors. Stephenson recycles pop cans, tin cans, plastics, white paper, newspaper, mixed paper and cardboard. There should be two per bathroom and three in the mail room and dining room.


2. On Tuesday nights collect all recyclables from the Bathrooms, Mailroom, ARC, Dining room, Kitchen, and Pantry. Replace all liners. Recyclables should be put in a clear plastic bag and left beside stairs beneath the fire escape. No matter how little has been collected in the week, take it out anyway. Pick up is Wednesday morning.

     a. Break down any cardboard boxes and place these in the grey bin near dumpsters.


3. Clean the ARC’s tables with All-in-One; be sure to get under the keyboard, monitor, mouse pad, and printer.


4. Organize the used paper that can be reused (one-sided, no staples, no tears) and stack on top of the file cabinet.


6. Pick up any trash on the floor


7. Empty ARC trashcan and replace liner. Place the used trash bags into the big dumpster next to the building.


8. Vacuum in the ARC, vacuum should be in the first floor utility closet


9. Wash and dry the dirty towels found in the metal bin next to ice machine. The Proctor will give you a wash card to pay for the laundry, use detergent pods found in laundry room.


All supplies should be in laundry room, pantry, or utility closet, feel free to stock closet with supplies you need.


If you are out of any supply, or you notice any stock is low, let the Proctor or SHD know as soon as possible.

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